Needing a Unit Installed but with Options

I would say that I am someone who is one hundred percent electrically declined. I can not figure out how to work any electrical device, none the less install one. When I moved into my new home, the first thing I did was call around and see if there was anyone that could do air conditioner installation in NYC. I knew it could be as easy as plugging it in, but deciding where to put it and everything seemed daunting. After I called, I am so glad that I did get a professional to install it!

The day the installer came to give me a estimate and ask me questions about my needs, he showed me all the options I had. I thought it was just a small little system you put into a window like I used to have as a child. They still have the window air units, but they also have split units, fully inside air units, wall units, so many different kinds! I wasn’t really sure what to do, and was explained that a wall unit might be the best option for me. It doesn’t need anything outdoors other than a small tube running out the window and it can be easily hid from view. It also hangs on the wall and can be easily moved if I move as well, it’s not invasive or damaging at all so my landlord won’t get upset with me for having it!

Once I decided on that, I made sure it was okay with the landlord to have and it was cleared and the next day it was installed. I have never been so happy with a service and thankful that I am someone who doesn’t understand how to install things. If I was, I would have ended up with a window unit and not the stylish wall unit.